Downtown Dollar Program Participants
St Thomas Downtown Development Board
Aline's Fine Lingerie
Antiques on the Side
Bass North
Bob's Bud Emporium
Casey's Creative Kitchens Inc.
Century Sound Sales & Service
Crock A Doodle
Discount Max
Forest of Flowers
From the Meadow
Hasty Market
Homebrew Junction
infuZed tZ & apothecary
Jennings Furniture
Lockwood Books
Medlyn Stained Glass & Jewellery Studio
MSM Fabrics & Quilting
Mugfords Limited
Muscat Jewellers
North49 Vape St. Thomas
One Plant
Paragon Design Kitchens & Countertops
Purely Wicked
Railway City Hobbies
Refreshed Finds
Revival Studio
Saint T Fashion & Hair Design
Sewatohkwat Cannabis
Shop 420 Cannabis Accessories
Spindle Mercantile
St. Thomas Pawn Shop
Suzanne Faris
The Craft Hive
The Wine Station
Titewads Stereo, Hobby & Collectibles
Unusual Finds Family Discount
Van Pelt's Business Solutions
Your Highness